gcse science revision guide in UK


Physics by Example

GCSE Physics Revision Guide with Notes & Model Answers 

Written by an experienced UK teacher, this is a complete revision guide for all the current AQA GCSE Physics courses including the Trilogy, Synergy and Physics GCSE. This book contains over 200 example questions with full step by step solutions, giving hints and tips so the student can see clearly how to solve each question. Each topic is followed by a self-testing section with space for students to practice and revise, with the answers provided. The book includes useful tools such as GCSE physics model answers, exam techniques, common exam mistakes, extensive revision notes, and questions and answer examples on all topics covered. This is the perfect revision tool for all learning styles. 

Topics covered in the guide include:

- Energy 
- Electricity 
- Radioactivity 
- Matter 
- Forces 
- Waves
- Space
- The universe


 gcse science revision guide in UK

    E-Book £5.99

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GCSE Physics Revision Guide - A Clear Route To Solving Every Problem

This physics revision guide book is based upon the idea of students being able to see clearly how to solve physics questions written down in front of them. I have aimed to include every step in a calculation to try and make it clear. I have also included long answer questions in this book to give students a clear idea of what is expected when answering this type of question. Lastly, I have included hints and tips to hopefully point out common misconceptions or weaknesses students often fall into based upon my experience as a physics teacher.

If you are purchasing from within the EU we would highly recommend you purchase the E-book copy instead. All UK and overseas purchases can be made online.